1. Rank: Corporal (retired) | Position: Chapter Leader of the PLYN
  2. Name: Braden F. Larock
  3. Handle: Frost
  4. DOB: November 9, 1985
  5. Marker Setup: Hehehehe, none currently. Im getting one soon hopefully.
  6. Location: Litchfield, ME.
  7. Quote: "Who knows where thoughts come from Joe, they Just appear." ~Lucas, Empire Records

Retired Bio:

Pretorian Frost was the first member recruited into the PLYN. At the very beginning he was dedicated to the team and the paintball community. A steady player and a hard working individual he took over the PLYN after Pretorians Barbarossa and Wolf Spider left the Alfred, NY area having graduated college. But then Frost struggled against the university as it booted the paintball club of its land and effectively killed the paintball scene. With few numbers the chapter was officially retired November 9th 2006. Frost retired with it and moved on to other disciplines.